Sunday, March 18, 2012

New week and ready for the real world again, are you?

It seems that this week in the PA contest I am doing okay, in the top 5 in two contest's and was ranked 1st of 1200 or so in, not a bad weekend.

 Wish they would all be this easy, but like most of the time they are not, I have been on the bottom a few weeks too, and then the next week I rebound, kinda like life, up and down.  I am not sure I can keep up the full court press in these contest's , as I must go back out on the road driving again, so my time will e limited again, guess time will tell.

I will start taking picture's on the road again and will try to get them up here once or twice a week, I am worried a bit about going back on the road with gaining weight again, pray for me that , that will not happen, please.

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried the new diet pill Lipo 6x Black? You can google it to find a retailer near you. It will regulate your thyroid with iodine and iron, keep you alert with stimulants and ruin your appetite with some mumbo jumbo stuff in it. Six pounds in one week. I can't live on OZ. New software coming in the mail. If it is any good I will let you know. Good job on the contest. The second place horse is the one who interested me.


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