Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunday, what a day, slept in till 1030am

Well a few pictures to make you smile and enjoy them as I did not take these, just thought they were cool and should be shown again to others.

I was asked what I will do why I work out and get in better shape, and I currently do not know what I will do. Am I worried about this, sure a little, but if you been reading up on my blog then you will know it seems I am always in this situation, wondering where I will be and where I will work, so this is knda normal, but getting very old living this way, and stressful too.

What to do , well give me some idea's or better yet give me job and I will be no longer stressed out, lol
I will take donations too, an RV would be awesome, a brand new truck would be nice, anything on this page would be okay 

I do not expect this to happen, but if you are a multi millionaire with no idea what to do with all that money I can help you, lol, and you can hepl me, and we van make it a tax write off, I am sure

Monday I do my bloodwork and will find out if I have Type II diabetes, or anything else I need to worry about, hope not , but will not let it slow me down or bum me out, why should I, I have other issue to worry about, lol

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