Sunday, April 10, 2016

My Bucket List

                                  Bucket List
 1.  I would like to hit the Kentuncky Derby Superfecta once before I die, this is just a personal challenge I have not been able to accomplish, and will never stop trying.
a. side note
If I do hit the Derby Super, it would most likely be able to finance a number of my other List Items, so wish me well.

2.  Earn a Winner's Circle picture in NYRA circuit , prefereably in Saratoga Springs, but NYC would be just fine too.
a. side note
As member of DAS , this may become a reality before anything else on my list

3.  A all inclusive week of Fishing in Alaska during the summer, this is a trip of about 7500.00 minimum, maybe if one was creative it could be cheaper, but I wish to be able to bring home my catch which could be up to a few hundred pounds, I hope. This my most desired of all my fishing trips, guarenteed to catch lots of fish and in a pristine place.

4.  To be able to spend a season at Sarotga Springs for an entire race season and this may be my most pricey of all Bucket list items. A 1 br season rental near track could run 5500-7500 a season, phew alot, then I must survive, so another 5000 for food and incidentals, like cab , groceries, restruants and of course wagering, maybe a small 2500 bank for this, or a 1000 make it or break it  I would definetely have a few friends I could meet up with at this meet, and if lucky enough possibly get picture in the Winners Circle, with my association with Drawing Away Stables , which means 2 Bucket List items are done in one big swoop, if only it was that easy. Price is flexible and I may need min. 7500 to 11000 to enjoy it as it is meant to be enjoyed.
a. side note
I could look into volunteering again with Backstrech Employee's Service Team, a non-profit helping the backstrech employees, I never had so much fun in my life than that year working behind the scenes of Saratoga, it was wonderful. Sad part is without a Derby hit, this may never happen, as I am a hard working man but to save 12k in a year to blow would be awesome, but making that much may be too much to do, but it is there in case Number 1 is ever hit.
b. This is where hitting the Derby Superfecta may help pay for this excursion, otherwise it may never happen, but maybe a week or 2 could still take place, if I had a DAS runner with a real chance to win, and DAS does win.

5.  This is tough choice cause I guess you are suppose to only have 5 things, but I am torn between 2 things for my last spot and think I will add a 6th spot, Fishing and Horse's as you see are my 2 great passions in life, because Pam Anderson is married again, lol.
Taking the 5th spot is min. 2 weeks at a NYC track, (I hear Mecca is better, either would do, not Belmont week too crowded for me, sorry) all 1st Class like there was no tomorrow.
Getting an inclusive tour of the front and back of the track, and as an Owner, (with my affiliation with DAS ),  be treated as such, not quite sure what that entails, never been an owner before, but it must be a once in a lifetime experience . I have some facebook friends and DAS friends and even some (horse forum site) friends that I could try to meet up at the track, spend a day handicapping like I do it everyday, with the best people in the world, I would be like I died and went to heaven , being able to cap with the best, if they would allow me to for a day or 3 , I think most will. This adventure could also allow me to complete Bucket item #2 and get a picture in the Winners Circle if timed right and I had the right horse , which both can be done with good planning.
a. Side Note
Cost of this is not too bad, a 2 week hotel stay in NYC near track is about 2500 or so, then I need a nice bamk of 2500 or so, and then a little extra to see a few NYC city things and taxis and tips and such, also a few dinners for some friends too. 5000 minimum and any more would make it that much better, THIS IS A MUST DO FOR ME SOON, as my health is touch and go, and unless I turn it around I may not be around much longer, so while Bucket item #5, it may be the 1st thing I do, if I can.

6. Another fishing trip, this time to Bud n Marys marina in Islamaroda in the Keys . A 2 week trip with at least 10 trips on the party boat they have and 3-4 days of chartering or sharing a charter for full days Offshore at min. 1300 to 1700. this is the pricey part, but worth every penny if we find the Mahi's and limit out each day, big is but these guys are the best and know how to fish. Again my intention is to take my catch home and to share it with local churches and homeless shelter, and of course have plenty for me too, no lies or misunderstanding, ok.
a. Side Note
Cost varies here to go for 2 weeks and stay at the Marina is roughly 2800 for 2 weeks , 400 for food, and 650 for 10 day trips on the Party Boat, for a total of about 4000.
Now for each of the 4 day I can go on a full charter offshore will be an additional 1300 min. for a total of 2600-5200 , if I can not find any shared charters. Sharing would be fun too.
So 4000 grand for no Offshore charters but still 10 days of fishing if the boat goes out each day, that is alot of fishing too.
Maximum cost 9200, phew, come om Derby Superfecta Hit !!!
That is my Bucket List as of Now, none of these things have been done as listed here, but a few have been done in a single day or 2, but never for entire season or 2 weeks at a time, with the Good Lord willing I may be able to make enough to do a few items , but will need a miracle to do a few others, but I will never stop hoping and working to get them all done, wish me well and if possible say a pray for me , please

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