It seems my presence was requested till Friday and well I was all too happy to oblige, and yet again I am set back another day or 2, it seems things keep coming up to slow my roll, slang for hitting the road to North Dakato, but hey I will be there soon enough, I think, found A GREAT NEW WEBSITE, thanks to Jim, it is called great website and may find me another cool job. Too bad I just found it, may have to wait the season to get something, new, as coming back the The Spa next year would be awesome too, boy it was a fun gig for sure.
Gotta run things to do, but the pictures were the best shots of Manhattan that I could get going where I went in the City, sorry, but picture taking on 9/12 in the City was not easy, but I got only a few, forgive me.
PK Glad to see you're still in a New York State of mind. Bless you. regards Schlomo