A few sunsets, 1 from Lake Erie, the other one from across the bridge into North Dakato , and yes thou beautiful I still am not feeling as energetic as I should be , nope, just the opposite, I am scared this time, and with a real fear , my health, as I am very overweight and out of shape, more than I have ever been, and it scares me to no end. I quit smoking years ago and put on 200 some lbs, and now I am stressed so much that I am having issues breathing, after walking a little, or going up stairs instead of using the elevator, and Saturday I almost fell down the stairs when my knee went out, good thing I hold on to the rail.
But with all this going on, I will drive out to the west end of the state Mondsay and start looking for what I can find, maybe something inside, or a dispatching job, and or a cooking job or camp manager if possible, but having now very limited funds I am forced to go and see what may be there for me.
Wish me luck as I go and see what I find out there, and if I get stuck , then so be it, maybe I will head north into Canada, it will be a few miles at most...
Bless you all
PK Did you have these health issues while living in Saratoga or were you symptomatic when you arrived in Norht Dakota?. This sounds like an anxiety issue. Try deep breathing and relaxation exercises. Go online -plenty of sites offer self help. Good luck and best regards Schlomo