Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday and time to move on, but a few pic's

This was the truck I drove for the few days I was here, overall it was not that bad, just the roads in and out of the pit and thr drop sites were horrendous and my back became unbearable, thou the last day it has gotten better, I still think that moving on may be best, for a few reason's...

1st reason.   The pay here is too low, way too low, and when everyone else is making 9-16 dollars more an hour add that up over a 60-80hr week, that is too much money to leave on the table, would you?

2nd reason.  Moving out west is going to happen as soon as I get paid for this short week, about 300 bucks or so to help me till I get hired on permantly somewhere , which Lord willing will be next week soon enough.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Working, may not be for long, here in Devils Lake, ND

Yes it seems that I found a Job driving a Dump Truck building up the dike's around here after the flood in 2009 and it is a job, but...

I am actually blessed that I found this job, but my body is acting up on me , my back has become a nightmare and this truck and road has beaten me to death, honestly I am in so much jarring pain, and thou I need this job so badly I may have to let it go, I can hardly walk the pain is so bad, but 3 days I have went out and will again   if I can get up and out the door and in the truck and  try to get 1 more day , thus a few more dollars.

I still have plans and people helping me to make them work, but my body needs taking care of as this is only a job till freeze comes, 4-6 weeks max, which would of given about 3-4k roughly, but most likely I only have a few days left, doubtfully another week, I am in too much pain to keep going, maybe my back will bounce back into alignment and all will be tolerable , but I am not holding my breathe .

More later

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday, 1 week into my journey to ND

A few sunsets, 1 from Lake Erie, the other one from across the bridge into North Dakato , and yes thou beautiful I still am not feeling as energetic as I should be , nope, just the opposite, I am scared this time, and with a real fear , my health, as I am very overweight and out of shape, more than I have ever been, and it scares me to no end. I quit smoking years ago and put on 200 some lbs, and now I am stressed so much that I am having issues breathing, after walking a little, or going up stairs instead of using the elevator, and Saturday I almost fell down the stairs when my knee went out, good thing I hold on to the rail.

But with all this going on, I will drive out to the west end of the state Mondsay and start looking for what I can find, maybe something inside, or a dispatching job, and or a cooking job or camp manager if possible, but having now very limited funds I am forced to go and see what may be there for me.

Wish me luck as I go and see what I find out there, and if I get stuck , then so be it, maybe I will head north into Canada, it will be a few miles at most...

Bless you all

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday nite, here in ND, Fargo to be precise

It seem my driving habits are still ok, as I made good time leaving after noon and getting here before sundown on Sunday, allowing me to get busy Monday morning at the ND work force center.

Wish me well and let me hope I find something quick and that it is the one I will be most happy with, amen.

God Bless all

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday, finally leaving town

Yes it seems my life is on the road again, and also a few people who wanted me to stop by have decided to ignore me for the last week, and that tells me they do not want me to stop by, oh well,  guess I will drive by a wave at them, lol.

I am nervous, true, but I must go forward and do what I hope is the right thing, find a job to save some money , but enough about that as I have beaten that horse dead, bad pun, but we all know why I am going west, to find work, to save and hopefully make my life better, Lord willing it will work that way.

Still not sure about going thru Canada or not,but will get to Buffalo and then decide, as I should be in Buffalo tonight, well off to the wild wild west. 

wish me well, please

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday and...then it hit me , run man run

Traveling Man is what I have been for ever, over 40 years I been on the road , living in the streets and moving on to the next place and never really getting settled , even when married , we traveled all over , from Alaska to Florida and everywhere in between, life has always been an adventure, so even thou I was happy here in Saratoga, I am now looking to move on again, but this time I am sure it is the right move, financially anyway, not because I felt like moving to ND, who does this in the winter, only someone who thinks he must, well I do

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday, on the road....NOT YET

It seems my presence was requested till Friday and well I was all too happy to oblige, and yet again I am set back another day or 2,  it seems things keep coming up to slow my roll, slang for hitting the road to North Dakato, but hey I will be there soon enough, I think, found A GREAT NEW WEBSITE, thanks to Jim, it is called great website and may find me another cool job. Too bad I just found it, may have to wait the season to get something, new, as coming back the The Spa next year would be awesome too, boy it was a fun gig for sure.

Gotta run things to do, but the pictures were the best shots of Manhattan that I could get going where I went in the City, sorry, but picture taking on 9/12 in the City was not easy, but I got only a few, forgive me.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday , desperation day for me as I need to get packed , NOW!!!!!!

Yes , it is time to go , and move on to something I will hate , most likely, but the $$ may make it worth the trip, or so I think, hope I am right.  How many years will I need to work to get to where I want to be, maybe long enough to hit the Lottery, forever I guess, what's a condfo in South Florida run now-a-days, anyone know this?

Am I scared , yes a little bit, why, well not because of the trip, but because I am getting older and not in the best shape of my life and it has me worried yes, I am almost 50 yrs old, and 400+lbs and LAZY, yes when it comes to hard work, not easy work thou , like driving for 12 hrs or more to me is easy work, but getting out and doing things , loading or unloading may be too much for me to do, then maybe not, but it has me worried a bit yes.

This is why I go to North Dakota to work my azz off to be able to enjoy this stuff one day in the future, other wise what do I have to look forward to, I have no family who cares and no one saying come here and visit, or move here we can get you some jobs, nope nothing like that for me so it is me againgst the world , so watch the FFF out world cause here I come...

Peace to all, and thanks to all those who know they deserve my thanks


Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday , long day into the NYC

Well into the Lion's den they call NYC, not too bad, in and out, stopped in Yonkers on they way out, will put a few other pictures up, but they did not come out so well, and I know that has not stopped me before, and will not this time either, but The Subway sign means NYC, period. Notice established 1646 for Yomkers, long time ago, for sure.

Well my adventure may begin soon, too soon, but then , not soon enough either, as my moeny runs out and then what, spending the winter here got me my car, a 400 car at that and who knows if it can get me to ND or not, we all will in time, say another week I will be there or else...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Saturday, college football, what a time of year to enjoy

Wow pictures from ND housing is a little bit lean, but snow fall will be plentiful , that much is for sure, and nice sunset on the horizon, and a ND Oil Well.

Going west for me is nothing new, but this time I am old and grey and really worn out, but life has given me no choice really, no where else to go, no family to move next to, no way to stay here as the house may be sold soon, and then I would be back on the street , even if I could put up with the people I live with, which I will not go into again, but read back and see if interested , please.

Wis me luck as I plan to leave next week , and if you are along my path, let me know as I would love a home cooked lunch, breakfast or dinner, every lit bit helps, thanks for the support.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wet day wet day and another wet day

You think they sacrifice theses things any more, probably not, but he is a big one at that... and looks like trucking is back in my future, not something I want to hear, but then it is what it is.

Smile today and someone will see it , maybe

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day, I remember when the big thing was the Telethon, and only 3 stations

Well it seems they need me for a few more days, so why not, I got nothing to do which is more important. 

My pictures are fo a few things like the horse who kept trying to taste me instead of the carrot, guess I tatste better, and then there is the Chaplain and his trusted associate, and the Vans are everywhere again, ready to load up and go back to the Big Apple, thanks for the memories

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday, and Maybe Monday may be or may not be my last day

Here is a few pictures of a few spot I enjoyed stoppring by, my friend in the background, as well as the horse, who seemed to know when ever I was driving by, and TAP, as we say back here, well he even has grass growing in front of his barn, but he is Todd, do not get in his way, please.
It seems that my weight would not be an issue at getting work here at the track, the issue would have been living arrangements, call me spoiled but I needed the basic privacy, and my own bathroom, which apparently is not available to backstrech workers, so sad as I may have given up and went with them to the next meet, and maybe ending up in Florida, but I need my own bath and shower, sorry, and at 300 a week, it may not be enough to live off track , no matter where I go to, FL/Ky/LA/Ny, but it would have been fun and God knows it would be what I wanted to do, but maybe later, right now ND is in my future I guess, and it is not making me happy, but then when does work do that, very rarely, as my last job was the first time in 48yrs I was happy at my job, oh well life goes on

It seems they loved my work ethic, too bad I told them it wasn't work it was fun, may do 1 more week , as I have not been able to find another spot to live in town, oh well ND here I come I guess.