It seems I live in a miserable place full of drunks and 1 druggie, why because I can not afford anything better yet, both of which I do not partake, nor do I smoke , my issue is obesity, lack of excersise, both are things I have made very little progress, but once in awhile I do get out and walk, my eating is better , but still needs work. It seems that I will post some plays on PA board for all to see, these are just handicapping , not actual plays , as I am not able to play lately since I went on a terrible losing streak using a new program feature and lost my bankroll. I am now trying to rebuild my bankroll for Saratoga, but it seems that i may not make it, we'll see how it goes, as August is a long ways off.
I have cut off my data to 1 program due to funds issues, but have paid the other one up till August, playing only 1 track mostly, but still I am having fun and learning more I hope. It seems last year I was given a golden opportunity to make something happen with my RDSS program and I blew the opportunity bigger than poop blows out a chicken, yep and looking back I can see how totally stupid I was , main reason for failure of this opportunity, was proper communication on my part , and 2 main reason was not following directions other gave me, instead I was stubborn and consistently trying to beat some place I could not and instead of moving on to something I could better at , I stayed put and continued to lose , really smart, oh well , another opportunity blown, hopefully a lesson learned, but was it, truly , have I learned from it.
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