Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy Boxing Day All

The weather is so nice here this was my Santa suit as I drove around delivering meals to those in need this Christmas Eve Day , and I had an elf to help me hand them all out, but we all know elves do not like their picture taken when they are working, sorry.

 Still on the workout thing but stalled on the weight loss , as nothing is coming off this past week either , and yes I am getting bummed bigtime , what with all the effort and time put in.

 Must run , be safe all


  1. It may take 3 months before you notice changes. I spoke with someone who was in your shoes and dropped his weight by cutting out meat one month. Potatoes the next. He is living on beans and buckwheat. He is very thin now. He also never eats in the evenings. He could not tie his own shoes before his life changes. Good Luck!

  2. Have you read the Dr Oz website? If your food walks on two legs it is ok to eat but if it walked on four then one time a week. You could get disability by going into the Social Security office. Many go to Florida as they ok people in the same month. Other places take longer. You can get if you are depressed. They give you one Dr app to go too and you will be asked a few questions and then you will be getting checks so you can live. If you take some of the stress away then maybe you can get settled and lose weight.

  3. {QUOTE]Have you read the Dr Oz website? If your food walks on two legs it is ok to eat but if it walked on four then one time a week. You could get disability by going into the Social Security office. Many go to Florida as they ok people in the same month. Other places take longer. You can get if you are depressed. They give you one Dr app to go too and you will be asked a few questions and then you will be getting checks so you can live. If you take some of the stress away then maybe you can get settled and lose weight. [/QUOTE]

    Please tell me more, email me or let us Im or even talk on phone , please tell me more

    Thank you

  4. Google The Dr. Oz Show! He can help you. So can't oatmeal. Everybody loses weight that eats oatmeal. Your pictures are nice. Thanks for sharing.


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