Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year, maybe...

Yes that is me and see how big I am , so went looking for somewhere to find help and found this place, and not sure yet if they will be what I need , thou it looks iffy, yet guess I need to give them a few weeks at least, if they would stop trying to sell me more stuff, I left their name out for respect to them, but put up my correspondence with them, any idea's people

 I read this and know how she feels, but I am also 425lbs and need to find something to help me lose massive weight

is this a program that has to be downloaded? I was under the impression that it was a set of books....I do not want something I have to download....I feel as if you have scammed me, that being the reason it stated not to go back a page each time I went from one page to another....I am sure if I had been able to go back, I would have seen your program was not in book form. Shame on you.

I also see this and see another bonus offer that you wish to send me, unsure what it is but if it helps clear up stuff a little, sure send it, but I really maybe need to talk to someone too

         **Also, as a one time courtesy, we are willing to offer you a free bonus just to show you how much of a valued customer that you are! **
If you are interested in the great products that we have to offer, please respond to us and will be happy to send your bonus to you right away!

Unlike someone else, who would love this offer, and I hope they get offered this too, and by the way having it hard copy would be nice, yet I am financially broke and unemployed , mostly due to my weight and lousy health , unable to stand on my feet all day, and driving truck at 400lbs , with sleep apnea is dangerous too, but if I lose this weight then the world is open for me again... right??

          "If the hard copy is a better option for you, then we would be happy to upgrade you to a hard copy."

I do like the daily videos, but do you have to keep trying to sell me more stuff, especially, THE  6 pack abs, Thingy, I am over 400lbs and do not see getting 6 pack abs anytime soon, I will not say never, but most likely not, but why the push to sell something new  every time  we communicate, please enough already I can not afford this program, but need it or something like it, and would love the veggie supplements and krill oil, but can not afford them.

I paid rent for 3 months and then joined the Y for 3 months pre-paid , am taking classes, for cardio and MSROM, because I am so out of shape, I must go slow, and after the 3 months , which end in after FEB, I most likely will be homeless and jobless and still out of shape, depressed, and I do not want that for me , I want to live and work and enjoy my life, even if all alone, but without major change it is like I am committing suicide continuing the way I been going, CAN YOU REALLY , HONESTLY HELP ME, WITHOUT TAKING ALL MY MONEY,  actually you already took to much , but sometimes we must take a chance and I  hope this time I spent my last few dollars on something wonderful, guess only time and your response will tell

Sorry for rambling on you, but this is personal for me , THIS IS MY LIFE

Patrick Kane
749 49th ave south
Grand Forks, ND 58201

Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy Boxing Day All

The weather is so nice here this was my Santa suit as I drove around delivering meals to those in need this Christmas Eve Day , and I had an elf to help me hand them all out, but we all know elves do not like their picture taken when they are working, sorry.

 Still on the workout thing but stalled on the weight loss , as nothing is coming off this past week either , and yes I am getting bummed bigtime , what with all the effort and time put in.

 Must run , be safe all

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Are you still at it, or not?

No Not shopping, as I do not have to shop for anyone and thus my shopping is done before it begins, because if ya remember I have no one. I guess that helps me because I might have had tough time buying others gifts, but I also get none either, but it has been this way for years and yes it is depressing when I was alone in the truck on Christmas , but now it is easier and not so depressing anymore, as I am happy and dedicated now , still lonely and by myself, but I do have the people in my classes at the Y and the Rehab pool, but no gift exchanges, yet, I barely know them this year, maybe next year.

But I was wondering if you were still on your weight loss mission or have you postponed it for the 2 week holiday season, tell the truth.

Have you cheated a little or lot

Were you happy with this past year, did you meet your weight loss goals??

I did not meet mine, this last year, but do have the coming year in which I should , as I am meeting head on this year , portion control is in place and excersising and still no NS foods, but who needs them, as I can portion my meals and snacks, right?

Gotta run , God Bless all


Saturday, December 17, 2011

Saturday, do I cheat , yes or no

My before picture

My after picture

Well a guy can dream , RIGHT ?

Will weigh in on Monday for this last week's of working out.
I got my TAI Slim products today and will begin them on Monday too, as well as starting my pool aerobics too, M-W -F in the pool and T and Thurs 2 more classes in aerobics, back to back.

Wish me well, as I again jumped into an empty pool without looking for water, but with my belly I bounced up and kept going, and will see where I get to .

gotta go later

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A little good news, check it out

My Bloodwork came back and all is well no Type II, no High blood Pressure or Chlorestral, actually all was fine and well within the ranges they were supposed to be.

Amamzing for a 450lbs pounders, well less now, but still 400 is a danger zone, it was another reason why I was hoping for NS , but with great news like that guess I really do not need it and when I lose all this weight it will not be credited to NS for the reason, because like John last night on Biggest Loser , who won 250 thousand dollars, but was put thru hell to get there, I am notnsure I could hold up under that super intense workouts, would try my best but that stuff is tough on top of tough.

So I will lose my weight but not credit anyone but those on my blog giving me support and prayers, and those at the Y helping me now, guess they watch the show and say I remind them of John a little bit, my size and attitude at least, I will take that compliment any day.

Maybe Weight Watchers, they help those in troubled times and was told maybe I could find a shopping buddy, since I will never get NS food, and I can live with that, honestly, which means no more NS bashing in my blogs , as we all know they do not help charitiy cases, give Christmas 2 for 1 's , just , oh well , never is time to move on, be the better person, and keep ya all updated on my journey, and will let you know what I choose to help me , when I find it.


Till then God Bless All,


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Yep I lost 15lbs in 2 weeks, but got back emails from NS and thry want there money , all of it, no special deal or Christmas for me, which is okay, but my offer of buy a month and get a month free, was tunred down, or to get maybe dinners and snack , no dealing at all
Gimme the money, like any other business, so asking them for help will not be done , and as so many asked me to do, it has been turned down everytime, no love for the poor people, only smart rich people are welcomed here.
I came here because my hero Dan Marino and Don Shula were spokes people for it, and I trust then and been trying for years now to afford it, go read my post in the forums, my blogs and you will see my struggles, and yet I keep going and never quit, thou it took a long time to dedicate all my time to my weight loss and better health, at least 90 days anyway, then God know where I will be or end up, but till then I stay the course of working out each day and going to my classes at the Y here in Grand Forks, and will worry about it then .
Was hoping to have help with the food halve of my 90 day commiittment to maybe accelerate my chances of weight loss, but that will not be done with NS, so I can not comment on how well it worked for me, because I could not afford it, sorry.
But I will not quit my 90 day, well down to 77 days left to work on the weight issue, so be it, Faith and love will guide me thru it.

God Bless all

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunday, what a day, slept in till 1030am

Well a few pictures to make you smile and enjoy them as I did not take these, just thought they were cool and should be shown again to others.

I was asked what I will do why I work out and get in better shape, and I currently do not know what I will do. Am I worried about this, sure a little, but if you been reading up on my blog then you will know it seems I am always in this situation, wondering where I will be and where I will work, so this is knda normal, but getting very old living this way, and stressful too.

What to do , well give me some idea's or better yet give me job and I will be no longer stressed out, lol
I will take donations too, an RV would be awesome, a brand new truck would be nice, anything on this page would be okay 

I do not expect this to happen, but if you are a multi millionaire with no idea what to do with all that money I can help you, lol, and you can hepl me, and we van make it a tax write off, I am sure

Monday I do my bloodwork and will find out if I have Type II diabetes, or anything else I need to worry about, hope not , but will not let it slow me down or bum me out, why should I, I have other issue to worry about, lol

Friday, December 9, 2011

Unreal, yeah for any who know this is...438lbs starting point

I  have yet to visit the Doc , as I was looking for the free clinic to get a Physical and the blood work most everyone suggested I have before I get too far along with my new routine, well it was tough finding a place , as there really is no free clinic here that would do what I wanted done, there is the 3rd street clinic , but it will NOT do blood work and what they called not necessary problem as I kept looking, went to Public Health they too did not do this and suggested 3rd street clinic, ya see the fun here.

Well it seems I must go to the Altru health sysytem, the Hospital here is Altru, but I have an appointment with a Family Doc and will be charged 150 or so , and have a possibility to talk to their business dept about reduced rates since I do not have insurance or a job, so it looks like I found the right place after all , see how that works out, guidance from above directs to where ya need to go, which is not the 3rd street clinic, lol

Now in my 1st week I have seen how out of shape I am , working out with Silver Sneaker, and unable to keep up sometimes, and it is kinda embarrasing, but also motivating too, so I have goals to reach and will stick it our for 3 months then , who knows , back to the shelter and maybe on the road again, but till then , MY ONLY JOB IS TO WORKOUT AND EAT RIGHT, AND ANY IDEEA'S OR SUPPORT WOULD BE APPRECIATED.

How do I make 450 last for 3 months of food, anybody do this before, anyone want to go shopping with me, as my phone is paid up for 2 more months, unlimited, a pre-pay from wal-mart, so we could shop together in different cities but at walmart for example, years ago I did something similar, but not for food shopping, and how many times ya see people never get off the phone when they are shopping, just a crazy thought, sorry , forgive me...

438lbs    58 BMI
66 inch waist / 31" thighs / 64" hips  / 59 " chest  / 20  upper arm / 19" neck


Monday, December 5, 2011

oh boy here we go

Yep bought 3 months at Center Court (part of the Y) here in Grand Forks and start my way to better health in the AM.

Had to quit my trucking job but have paid 3 months of rent and 3 months of Y membership , and that leaves me about 300 .00 to my name but at least I am beginning the journey.

Am I certified crazy, but my God I am so big I can not put on my socks and shoes with out major trouble, and that, YES THAT, too is very very difficult to do, shamefully so and my breathing is huffing and puffing all the time, leg cramps , like Charlie Horses all the time, constant neck cramps too, man what a mess, all done to me by me, no excuses my fault 100%., Can I change it all, or is it too late?

How many of ya been broke like me now and jumped into an empty pool. will run out of gas money before 3 months, and this is winter, -20 is normal here, worse with wind chill, and I do not have proper outside clothing, too expensive for my size , and really hard to find my size too, so another reason to lose some weight, to get clothes that fit, lol

God Bless All


few more truck photos

Notice no clucth pedal