Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday , Last Dark day of the meet

Does anyone know anything about North Dakota, other than it is cold in the winter, as I may have jobs for me up there, but it may be tough to find living quarters, what to do , any idea's, please tell me. Heck Call me and say hey Patrick, how bout this...518-256-1590, now for a few pictures

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday , a dry day indeed

Boy what a lazy day today, got  a picture with Sam, the ever elusive John V. ( boy those jockeys are fast little guys) ,  and my favortie JJ Castellano, my camera man Spence needs to be a little closer, but maybe I will try again next week, still looking for the Maggie picture.

Boy I do hog up a picture frame, lol

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday, rain and wet, no photo's taken today

My time is nearing a end here this season and I am a bit , sad to see it go, had too much fun and well, I want it to go on for awhile longer, can anyone help me with that, of course not, thought I'd ask thou...

Where has this talented trainer been this season, so sad as she had a herd of horses, or so I thought, did the blowout at Belmont really do that much damage to her stock, God I hope not, it would be a HUGE disappointment that she is not in the top 5 trainers this meet, and that seem to be the case, sad indeed.

It seems that I am not the only enjoying my job , this lady is good for a smile all day rain or shine... 

It seems that the time is nearing an end, and that the early morning mist may return soon enough  but till it does we can always remember the beautiful morning workouts at the Oklahoma track

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hump Day , beginning of the biggest week of the year here

It is time already, the people are lining up a few days in advance, the Horse haulers have gotten the horses here, and tractors are getting to work to get the track ready, are you ready for the big week

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday, only 2 more weeks and then...???

My heart is happy, my life is crazy, but I look forward to work each day as happiness is there, crazy I know, but when I talk with the poeple at the track they all say the same thing.

They say they can not wait till the alarm goes off at 3am to get up and feed or work a horse, as they joy is in doing this over and over and success, well it helps, but it is not necessary.

Me I think of the day I might be able to fish again, and honestly do not know if it will ever happen, but I still have the desire and wish to, same with life, thou while happy now, the goals are so,  that I can be happy as I am an not have to reach so far to get them, now I am confused, but understand this, okay.

I am happy, still indecided on where I go next in 2 weeks, but pray each day a prayer of thanks for being where I am and doing what I do, and also without much stress , ask him to help me decide and show me where to go.
Someone told there is good money in doing Charity work, and I always thought you did it for the satisfaction of doing it , not for the money, yet my gig turned into a paying gig, so I guess I understand.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday AM , Ladies day at the track

Well first,  we need to make sure we take our pants with us , and it does seem to be a head scratching day, watching all the phillies that will be running around this afternoon, High heels in the soccer field.

Enjoy the great racing today and look out as you may see me too

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Just pictures

I was able to get a decent shot of them coming at me, but they were all gone by before another shot could be taken, man these horse's go fast, lol

You ever wish you were grey pony being washed by a beautiful young lady, well today I had that thought cross my mind for second or two, sorry, but it is true, what a show at the pony bath station this afternoon, and look at the lady with the Grey Pony 
Going going gone, my picture taking of a race running right at me is horrible, and I winder if the camera is at fault or if it is me for not finding the right setting for it, those are the only pictures I was able to get off as they ran towards me, any help here would be nice, and yes it was set on sport setting, and it does not click click click, it goes click...........click.............click and by then they are gone by

Oh well have a great day I will work my skills and look so I can do better next time

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

W day for me, does it mean win or work, maybe both

As you can see yesterday was a lazy day on the backstretch, but still time for a nap.
Today I may not visit the out -of -towners at the track today, but am eagerly awaiting the weekend.
Today turf track took some off and left 2 on , so for me no plays

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tuesday Night

the other night at the auction, even thou I saw nothing to make me spend any money, there were a few nice colts, thou their feet had me worried a bit, too bad I did get a few close ups of the feet to show what I mean, maybe later I will. It dries out this afternoon, but will be ready for afternoon showers for a week or so. 

I can not wait till the weeks end to meet up with my RDSS users and mingle with all the winners among them, yes indeed, I so can't wait, but will...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday a very wey day indeed

Well I went to the track, oops, you knew that already, no but I went to relax and see old friends, and it was very enjoyable today, had a dinner at The Grey Gelding,  with Dave , Spence and Jim, and I think Jim wanted us to be gelded, not sure about that part, but the food was fantastic, even the rubber bands too, ya'll know about those things ,calamari, so much food no dessert was had by any, and yet we always read of Al having dessert each time he goes out, how does he do it , maybe once he will take me along and show me how, yeah that will be the day.

The track did not look like that, nope it was sloppy as can be , rain and more rain in store, enjoy the time and wait for the weekend, nice weather and good times are ahead this week.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ok the weather held off all day for the entire race card, even had my picture taken, but not in the winner's circle, but with a bunch of winner's , all the BEST volunteer's, great people, doing great things.

Monday will be wet for sure, not yet sure how much overnight rain we may get, ossible cancellation, I am not thinking that much, but flood warnings are being issued, till Monday night.

God Bless all

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Finding a winning Barn and the taqlking to the people in charge, and after all that walking away after along day at the track,  What a full day it was, so different than tomorrow.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday is here, and you can tell

Some of the barns have nice flowers and such and then others are all business, some invite you in others scare you off, but it still is an awesome site roaming around the back stretch. I will not have any Dirty words about anyone today, just happy times here, but do be ready for more straight forward opinions from me soon...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thursday, yes and it seems Chery Picking did take place somewhere

I am going to post some cute pictures, but have an issue with my camera charging, so I will attempt to fix it,without having to buy anew battery again, watch out wal-mart here I come, also mean talk on bottom of blog

Ok guess the dirty talk is here, it seems that CHERRY PICKING DID GO ON THE OTHER NIGHT, yes indeed, a person who is suppose to be above reproach has actually deviated from his routine to make sure he cherry picked the best 2 days of races at the Saratoga meet for his useless,(my Opinion), software program , or add-on , how ever you want to label it, but either way it does not work period, and now he resorted to the lowest of tactics and cheated people by CHERRY PICKING THE BEST DAYS EVER TO USE IN HIS UPDATED SEMINAR,  this practice should be illegal but apparently it is not, yes NP is the initials of this thing, and since CHERY PICKING TOOK PLACE, GUESS MY OPINION IS ALLOWED , IT SUCKS, DOES NOT WORK, PLEASE SAVE YOUR MONEY, I BEG YOU....HAVE A GREAT DAY

Love you all and hope you win in what ever you do today


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Goodnite from Saratoga Racetrack, backside

Enjoy this one , there will be plenty more added soon enough, and my picture taking is getting better, I hope, lol

Wed. and getting a cold it seems, oh well

I apologize for the dribble I had in the blog yesterday, but it made me feel better getting that off my chest, what a yahoo that person is, so again , sorry for that.

It seems that I found the headless horseman, wow what a coup , I think .... any body got some wood to chew on, pretty please, this door tatse yucky

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday, what a day,and man do I stuff to say

These are picture of some warm-ups and the housing in the backstretch, nestled among the tree's, some seem nice from the outside, and if they have an A/C, they may be adequate inside too, small but functional , quaint is the word I was looking for...


But I will not say much, just that I been blacklisted by some one who took all my money and then never got me to win anything, and blames little ole me for his sales tanking, even thou it might be because his stuff does not work as he touted it to, and yes I do know , as I lost money doing what he told me to do, using it just like he said, but enough on him, he can not bring me down , his work will suffer because it does not work like he states it does, period.

How many people read this little old blog, not enough to make a difference, maybe 15-30 people max, so this guy need to grow up, and me too for bringing out here, but when I am wronged it is not something I take laying down, so thou I could on , I will not.....

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Morning, no rain yet, but...

I am posting the Van I drive all over the track with, and if you see me say Hi, also posting the horse I wagered on in the Whitney, the 3 horse warming up, and no pictures of the mud hole out back yet, wait till something fallin it , then the picture... as you can see the 3 horse did not like his pony at all, fought him the whole way